Fantaspoa 2017 - Entries
Created in 2005, Fantaspoa was pioneer as Fantastic Film Festival in Brazil. With yearly editions since then, in 2017, its 13th edition will take place. The festival is one of the main fantastic film festivals in Latin America, exhibiting the best in genre cinema, as well as having several events, such as Q&A’s, workshops, lectures, concerts, parties and art expositions. Fantaspoa is the only festival from South America member of the Méliès – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (EFFFF), the federation that brings together the 22 more relevant fantastic film festival worldwide.
The thirteenth edition of Fantaspoa will take place from may, 19th till june, 4th, 2017.
We invite the filmmakers that work with fantastic cinema to submit their works.
Criteria for entry
• Production years 2014 onwards
• Minimum length 60 minutes (Feature Films)
• Maximum length 30 minutes (Short Films)
All the films:
• Need to be either spoken (or subtitled) in english or spanish.
• Films can be submitted through an online link or by the shipment of a DVD or a DVD Blu-ray. DVD’s and DVD’s Blu-ray will not be returned.
• Films that have had a commercial release in Brazil are not eligible.
• Entries should be made through the link below. If you’d like to send a physical copy, please, fill the entry form before.
- For multiple entries, each film should be submitted separately.
• Accepted formats for screening purposes are DVD, ProRes File and DVD Blu-ray.
• The festival do not charge entry fees. - The festival do not pay screening fees.
All entries must be submitted before 20 January 2017.
Please submit your film by clicking on the link below and complete the online form.
To submit your FEATURE, go to this link.
To submit your SHORT, go to this link.
DVD screeners can be sent to:
Fantaspoa – Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantástico de Porto Alegre
A/C: João Fleck
Vigário José Inácio Street, 615, AP 1203
Postal Code: 90020-110
Porto Alegre – RS – Brasil
To read the full regulation: regulation_fantaspoa-2017