
XI Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantástico de Porto Alegre 2015

  1. Notícias

    12 Julho

    Entries Fantaspoa 2018

    Created in 2005, Fantaspoa was pioneer as Fantastic Film Festival in Brazil. With yearly editions since then, in 2018, its 14th edition will take place. The festival is one of the main fantastic film festivals in Latin America, exhibiting the best in genre cinema, as well as having several events, such as Q&A’s, workshops, lectures, concerts, parties and art expositions. Fantaspoa is the only festival from South America member of the Méliès – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (EFFFF), the federation that brings together the 22 more relevant fantastic film festival worldwide.
    The fourteenth edition of Fantaspoa will take place from may, 18th till june, 3th, 2018.
    We invite the filmmakers that work with fantastic cinema to submit their works.

    Mais notícias
  2. Filmes

    1. Amuleto, O
    2. Redentor
    3. Bros Before Hos
    4. Kanyamakan
    5. México Bárbaro
    6. Prematuro
    7. Terror nas Trevas
    8. Santiago Violenta
    9. Planeta Fantástico
    10. Violador
    11. New Kids Nitro
    12. Goodnight Mommy
    13. Wyrmwood
    14. Queda da Casa de Usher, A

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Os ingressos para o Fantaspoa possuem um preço único de R$ 8,00 (oito reais). Os ingressos para o Cine Santander Cultural podem ser comprados antecipadamente em suas bilheterias no dia da sessão. A sala Cine Bancários começa a vender os ingressos 30 minutos antes das exibições. Chegue cedo para garantir o seu ingresso.

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